20 Common Problems Students Face While Writing Assignments

Grecy Jonson
4 min readFeb 28, 2020


Let’s face it; writing academic assignments is not as easy as strolling around the city one fine morning. Here are the 20 most common problems that students usually face while writing their assignments. Check them out and see how you can get over those problems, thereby improving your writing skills.


1. Irrelevant thesis statement

The thesis statement governs the flow of your academic assignment. Talk to your professors if you are unable to write a well-defined and quality thesis statement.

2. Lack of evidence

In case of complicated topics, many students find it hard to gather relevant evidence. Check out primary and secondary sources to gather data for complex topics.

3. Improper structure

Your professors always expect you to follow the right structure in the assignments. Talk to them if you are unaware of the structure set by your university or school guidelines.

4. Vague introduction

At times students get confused about what or what not to include in the introduction. Thus, they end up writing a vague or poor opening paragraph. You must mention only the most important points in this section.

5. Unawareness of the target audience

Many of you may find it hard to write your assignment because you are not aware of your target readers. Unpack your assignment topic first to figure out whom you are writing for.

6. Weak analysis

Writing assignments get more complicated if you don’t develop strong analytical skills. Read as many books as you can to hone your analytical skills with time.

7. Use of unfamiliar words

Wrong or inappropriate words can disrupt the meaning of your sentence. You must always use an online spell checker or thesaurus before using an unfamiliar word.

8. Excessive use of commas

Use of commas is one of the major problems faced by students while writing assignments. You can take a special course online to learn the right use of commas and full stops in your academic papers.

9. Unclear conclusion

The conclusion is often ignored or missed out by the students and that leaves a bad impression on your readers. Make sure you explain the significance of your topic and research findings in this section.

10. Time management

You may often have multiple academic tasks to do within strict deadlines. Writing assignments amidst such a busy schedule is no easy feat. You can try creating a timetable and setting out your priorities right to solve this issue.

11. Fear of failure

Many students are unable to write their assignments due to the fear of failure. Downsides are common in every phase of life. Buckle up, identify your flaws and work on them to up your writing skills.

12. Inaccurate citations

Citations are time-consuming and confusing owing to the involvement of several formats and guidelines. Take your time to get familiar with the right citation format and practise citations regularly.

13. Awkward sentence constructions

Tons of students, especially International ones, find it hard to frame proper logical sentences while working on their assignments. It may help if you break your sentence into two shorter sentences for clarity.

14. Generalisations

General statements cause the reader to question your sense of judgement. Omit general statements to prove your claim or arguments to be true.

15. Use of passive voice

Using passive voice in academic assignments is a major issue among students. Practise writing in an active voice every day. Whether it’s a personal journal or a research paper, make it a point to use only an active voice.

16. No connection between evidence & claim

At times, you may have difficulties in proving how the evidence supports your claim in the assignment. Build a bridge between your evidence and your claim through examples, statistics and facts.

17. Plagiarism

Writing 100% original assignments is not a child’s play. What if your document shows 5% plagiarism even if you had written it from scratch? Try to use quotes and citations whenever necessary to avoid penalties due to plagiarism.

18. Poor organisation

You may find it hard to organise your paper if you start writing it without a plan. Create an outline first to place your arguments in the right order.

19. Lame title

Several students may work on the same topic as yours. But, you need to create a unique title that can stand out of the rest. Remember, an ideal topic consists of three elements- catchy language, your claim and your topic.

20. Redundant aspects

It is not easy to explain and support at least three unique arguments in an assignment. But it is also not impossible. Make a note of the points you’ve already covered. Now make sure you don’t repeat them again.

These problems are common among students of all education levels. Instead of panicking, get help from the right people. Say you are unable to write your WBS assignments. Get WBS assignment help online and share your concerns with the online experts out there. You can also buy assignments in case of a time crunch. For instance, say you don’t have the time to work on your SAP projects. Then you can buy SAP assignments online and focus on learning this discipline.



Grecy Jonson

I am a writer and blogger. Having received my Ph.D. from one of the most renowned universities in the USA. At present, I am associated with Assignmenthelpus.