5 Important Elements of a Dissertation Conclusion
An academic from any discipline needs to submit a dissertation project at the end of his/her course. The dissertation conclusion holds a lot of importance. You cannot mess up the conclusion after writing a nice piece. Hence, the following are five essential elements that will help you write a satisfactory conclusion:
1. The Extent of The Conclusion
You need to write a short and precise conclusion. Ideally, the word count should be around 5–7% of the overall project. The word count can vary depending on the topic you choose. You can seek dissertation consulting services in case of any confusion. A reasonable conclusion ties up all the points mentioned in the project together.
2. Stick to The Research Question
It would help if you do not drift away from the question. In every dissertation project, there needs to be a research question. The whole project and the research revolve around the same. While you write a conclusion, it is essential to stick to it and answer it. PhD thesis writers are well equipped, and can approach them if you need any help. It would help if you accumulate all the information gathered and present it as a whole. Writing about results already discussed is not required in this part.
3. Summarise
The reader should be able to connect your research with the conclusion. You can remind the reader about the reason for which you chose this topic. Talk about limitations, if any, you faced while doing the research. Skip the lengthy discussion on boundaries and focus on the positive side. You can discuss the connection between your assumption and the result.
4. Give Suggestions
Many skip the part of giving suggestions. You have done the research, and the reader also expects to listen to your recommendations. The grades depend a lot on how you present your proposals. Please avoid using any commanding tone and make it polite. Do not overemphasise the applicability of your research.
5. Highlight your inputs
It would help if you make the reader understand how your dissertation is going to help. You can do this just by summing up the essential points. Avoid redundancy and using the same points over and over again. Pointing these out will make your dissertation more impressive.
Writing a dissertation is a daunting task. You need to be careful about choosing the topic and try to be in line with the same. As dissertations are a bit explanatory, the chances of drifting away from the subject matter are more. You can take some expert guidance if needed. The conclusion is the point where you summarise the full discussion. Try keeping it brief and follow the above points to write a satisfactory conclusion.